Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Few Days To Go To Miami

12 workouts down in 5 days so far this week and 2 more to go tomorrow.....and it felt great. I'm ready to test my fitness down in Miami. My only bummer is that I'm heavier than I want to be right now but I'm heading in the right direction and feeling good and strong. So, as a result, I'll probably feel a little heavy on the run. I think its harder to lose weight when a lot of training sessions are in anaerobic training zones that rely on glycogen (carbs). As I start building more volume and aerobic training sessions become more common, I'm hoping the weight will come off a little easier (it should).

I biked with Isiah Thomas this week at one of my indoor training sessions. Yea, the same Isiah from the Detroit Pistons. Yea, the Hall of Fame B-Ball player. Yea, the former NY Knicks coach. Zeke. Junior. Multiple NBA member of World Champion Pistons. He has aged very well. He looks like he did when he was balling in the NBA. Great guy. We watched the Hawaii Ironman DVD while we biked for 2 hours and he's getting hooked on triathlon, I think. He's aiming to do his first triathlon this year, maybe at the Westchester Triathlon. I'm trying to get him to come to Rev3. He really wants to take pictures with the pros and get their autographs. He volunteered to be my "bike bitch" for Ironman Canada so I guess I'll have to be his at Westchester. I'll have to hold him to it.

1 comment:

MACMAN said...

I hope you get to the correct weight while in Miami. The weather is perfect down here for a triathlon. I hope you can reward yourself to do some of the fun activities while here, like going to the everglades, or swimming with the dolphins in Miami. I hope you do well with your Triathlon !!
Nice blog.
God Bless,