Monday, October 13, 2008

The Countdown continues

Another week down. I had a good week of training. I felt great coming off my long run last Sunday and posted some good runs this week. I had a couple of good swims too. I had a tough bike session mid week. The weather was really nice last week so it was a joy to workout in perfect training conditions.....if only that would happen on race day :)

I was hoping to get in an open swim this week because the water temp. is still tolerable (I think) but it didn't happen.

I ran a good 10 miles on Saturday and it felt pretty darn good but I was a bit sore from a somewhat hard 4 miles in the middle. I ventured an hour to do my long ride out of Quassy in Middlebury, CT. I was meeting a friend to ride the 56 mile course of the new rev3 tri course. I knew that would only net me 3.5 hours so I got there early and biked 25 miles on my own. I was feeling fine which has always been the case after riding a few hours. We headed out on the 56 mile loop on the most beautiful fall foliage day. I was scouting out this course to give it an accurate depiction and absolutely loved it. It is challenging but fair. It has a fair amount of climbing but it also has some really fast sections of the course. I would call it equivalent to the difficulty of a loop of the lake placid course. Anyway.....the legs turned to mush after an hour or two into this ride and just struggled into the finish. I was glad this was my last long ride.

I haven't been cycling for all that long and I think it just takes years to build up this volume until your legs/body can learn to flush out lactic acid as you go. My body is also fatigued from the training so its taper time now. I have a few hard workouts over the next few weeks to dial in my power levels on the bike and to bring some intensity into my workouts.

I spent Saturday watching the Ironman World Championships online and got inspired for my race....perfect timing. I love this stuff but I wish I was there racing.

I came up with an idea for a new race. Its the anti-Kona. The race takes place the Saturday morning of Kona here in CT at Quassy. The park is closed so no worries of having to share it with the public. The water temperature is still tolerable to swim in. The jist of the race is that there are almost no rules. You can wear fins, paddles, or whatever you want for the swim. Just no motor. You can draft on the bike but there are no aid stations on the bike course or officials stopping traffic. You ride at your own risk. For the run, you can utilize wheels (rollerblades, rollerskates, skateboards, etc. ) Blank white tshirts are given upon arrival with magic marker. You design your own tshirt. There are no timing chips. You time yourself and as you finish, you record your own time and write it on the board as you finish. After the race, we drink beer and watch Ironman Kona on a big screen.

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