Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Huffy Toss Champion

Sunday night I became the Huffy Toss champion for the third straight year. I look forward to this event each year. It is part of the festivities at the Amity Bike Shop's annual Holiday party. This is my third year going to the party and my third year winning the huffy toss. The huffy toss is an event where they find the crappiest, heaviest, and oldest mountain bike. It feel like it weighs 40 pounds.

As returning champion I had the choice of when I would go. This year I decided to go last and what a good decision that was. Some big guy got up there and chucked it pretty far.....chucking style. Then some smaller guy breaks out the hammer spin and he looked good for a second as he was really moving pretty good in circles but he spun around a few too many times because as he released it, the bike went sideways and almost took someone out. He ended up throwing it over the line about an inch......that's not going to win.

Another guy got up and did the hammer spin and threw it past the big guy's throw....it was out there pretty far. But as he threw it, the rear wheel came off so I had the pleasure of throwing a 3/4 bike. I broke out the hammer spin, spun around 2 or 3 times and launched it causing sparks to fly getting some ooohs and ahhhhs from the audience.

Next year I might have to bring my throwing shoes :)

I won a $50 gift certificate....third year in a row. I've added some nice things to my cycling collection thanks to Amity Bike Shop.....Thanks Guy and Sue!!!!!

I'll keep going as long as they keep inviting me :)

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