One of my goals for 2009 is to improve my cycling. I got an early start on it as fate would have it. I partnered up with a local bike shop, Pedal and Pump. They recently purchased a used multi-rider computrainer system. I offered up to lead a few classes per week which I have been doing now for a few weeks. I have been training with a computrainer for a few years now so I have a really good understanding as how the technology works and how to train with the various metrics (power, heart rate, cadence). These group rides have such a greater quality to them than when riding on my own trainer at home. Having other people there keeps you honest and motivated. I'm doing these classes three days per week and feel that they're helping already. I'll find out on Jan. 4th when I do a TT to determine my threshold power. Pukefest!

your only goal of 2009 is to do what your goddammed coach tells you to do.
meow! wow, I think Marty may still be bitter that you didn't shovel his driveway!
Yes Marty....whatever you say :)
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