Saturday, February 14, 2009

Heading to Miami :)

I just booked my tickets today and registered for this race.....I'm in. Thanks to my mom (thanks mom), I had some plane vouchers that needed to be used up by mid April so I have been trying to figure out where to go. I was thinking about doing an early season half iron but gearing up for a half early April seemed un-motivating, especially since I don't really get outside until April on my bike. A friend told me about this race and then it became a reality. Sue and I have a place to stay in Boca (thanks Joannie). I can't wait to get in some warm weather and I'm excited to have a little early season goal. This race is chock full of pros and my Rev3 teammates, the Gollnicks will be there racing.

My fitness is in pretty good shape right now. Marty gave me a 4,000 swim workout last week and I was dreading it but once I got into a rhythm with my swimman, I just rolled along. I felt so good, I added another 500 for good measure.....that's a little over 2.5 miles. I could have kept going. I was hitting my 100's in 1:30-1:32 which is pretty good for me. My indoor cycling workouts have been going well too. My running has been average, only because I am heavy right now and I haven't added too much intensity.

I have 4 weeks until the race which is a perfect little goal to get ready for this race. My diet starts Monday and I want to lose 8 pounds by race day....2 pounds per week.....that should be doable. Bye bye sugar.....its been nice knowing you for the last few months.

Anyone want to join me in Miami? Come along and race.....its still open.

And, they have a clydesdale category so my goal is to finish top 3 in this category.

This will be a good dress rehearsal before canada for flying with my bike, taking it a part, and putting it back together.

Ciao for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your welcome son. Glad to help. Good luck. I'll be watching.