Friday, November 30, 2007

I got scolded today!!!

I went to see my nutritionist today for my 3 week check up and I knew it wasn't going to be pretty. I find it really hard to stay perfect on this plan when I am away from home. When I'm home, I'm good because I have no junk at my house. I was away two weekends in a row which didn't help plus I had a couple of splurge type meals which really set me back. I am also confessing that I have been sneaking in some sweets back into my diet slowly. It just goes to show you that it doesn't work when you sabotage yourself like that. I am confessing here and determined to get back on the wagon to have a good 3 weeks to show him and myself that I am serious.

Bottom line is that I lost 1 pound and .5% body fat in 3 least I didn't gain :-) My goal for 3 weeks from today is to lose 6 pounds and 2% body fat. I have some challenges ahead of me with some xmas parties and other events. My goal is to eat before the parties so that I don't have anything at the party. My first challenge is tomorrow night...wish me luck!

Here is a picture of the type of calipers he uses to test my body fat. He takes measurements from my back, my stomach, and my arm.

We also adjusted my caloric intake slightly because I haven't been working out as much as we planned so I need to adjust more for off days or light days. I really think that was part of the problem.

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