Wednesday, November 21, 2007


One of my regular clients asked if I wanted to work on her Aunt but she warned me and said that she would not be offended if I didn't want to work on her. Aunt P. has terminal cancer and has days to weeks to months to live. She has had it for 15 years.....diagnosed within a year after her husband died from cancer. She has had 22 surgeries. This type of cancer grows tumor within your visceral region and attaches to smooth tissue (ie. the tumors attach to your organs). They don't immediately invade the organs so the reason why she has lived for so long. But the doctors now have said to her they can't do its just a waiting game.

She is a fragile woman who has a basketball in her stomach where the tumors have invaded her body. She is only 66 years old. She has a great wit, attitude, and is tough as nails.

Of course I said I would work with her as she was having some discomfort with a sciatic nerve probably from the tumors or laying for long periods of time.

I was expecting the worse but what I got was inspiration. She was timid and nervous when she first met me because she hasn't had a massage in many years. In fact, the last massage she received was a negative experience for her. She needed help on and off my table and needed to take frequent bathroom breaks so this was not my typical massage.

As I started with the massage and touching her skin, she became energized as it was obvious that she doesn't get this kind of touch. Her ooohs and ahhhs were great sounds as opposed to hearing ouchs. We had nice conversation for the hour and when were done, she said she felt like she went to the ice cream parlor and had all of her favorite ice cream flavors.......that is a compliment I'll take anyday.

I was elated that she loved the massage and that I could help someone like this in her condition.

She called a few days later to schedule another appointment so I guess she liked it :-)

You never know where you can find inspiration......keep your mind open!

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