Sunday, November 18, 2007

ITP Foundation

I race for the ITP Foundation which is a non-profit foundation created by a friend. ITP stands for Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura which is a rare bleeding disorder disease that effects one's platelet count. It is most commonly found in children and many grow out of it. Very little research is found on the disease or cures. Michael's daughter has/had the disease so he remains passionate about this cause.

The main fundraising efforts are developed around triathlon. I became the race director of a local sprint triathlon that michael started three years ago. We have an itpteam that races and raises money for itp. In the past we have been able to get IRONMAN slots which are hard to come by so our athletes have to raise money in order to get a slot. And to become an itpteam member, a triathlete has to commit to raising a small amount for itp.

As a tribute to supporting this cause, I will be custom painting my new bike with ITP colors and logos.

I was also asked to be on the Board of Directors so I happily accepted so now I am officially on a "board" :-)

More info. can be found at

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